Millennium Medical

The Benefits of a Surgical Bra after Breast Augmentation

Dec 5, 2013 @ 03:24 PM — by Hadi Rassael
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

After breast augmentation surgery, your body needs time to heal and adjust to its new form. While basic steps such as proper diet and rest can help improve your overall recovery, a major factor in the results of your augmentation is the use of a surgical compression bra.

The benefits of a surgical bra range from reducing health risks to improving the final results of your augmentation. For our patients in the Washington, D.C., area who have recently undergone breast surgery or are considering it, we offer the following advantages of wearing this post-surgical garment.   

What Is a Surgical Bra?

Most cosmetic surgery treatments benefit from the use of an elastic compression garment during recovery. This is especially true for body contouring and breast augmentation procedures. By holding the area of surgery in place as it heals, a compression garment can keep incisions closed, prevent health complications, and decrease side effects early in recovery.

Unlike a regular bra, a surgical compression bra is firmer, tighter fitting, and provides more support. It also contains no underwire, which would have the potential to irritate swollen tissue, especially in patients whose incision was located under the breast.

Benefits of Wearing a Surgical Bra

The advantages of a post-surgical compression garment are vast, and surgical bras are no exception. By wearing your bra during recovery, you can benefit both medically and cosmetically: 

Patients who wear a surgical bra after breast augmentation tend to experience quicker recovery times, allowing them to return to daily activities. While some patients may be tempted to use a traditional sports bra, the lack of additional padding and support may not be optimal for everyone. Consult your doctor before deciding which type of bra will best suit your body. 

Want to Learn More?

Breast augmentation can enhance a woman’s natural curves, providing a life-long boost to satisfaction and confidence. With Dr. Rassael’s skill and experience, you can expect an augmentation procedure that is both safe and effective. To learn more about this treatment and its recovery, contact our office and schedule a consultation.