Millennium Medical

Members Of The Military Turn To Liposuction

Jan 6, 2014 @ 11:00 AM — by Hadi Rassael
Tagged with: Liposuction Cosmetic Surgery

The fitness tests used by the military have always had a reputation for being stringent, but, as the Pentagon’s budgets have decreased in the past few years, the regulations have been tightened and strictly enforced. One of the tests is called the “tape test,” which uses measurements from the neck and waist to determine a soldier’s fat percentage.


According to the Washington Times, some soldiers have found that because of their age or their genetics, they can’t get rid of pockets of waist fat no matter how much they work out. If they can’t pass the test, they could be made to undergo a brutal diet and exercise regimen. Soldiers also say that failing the tape test can prevent them from earning promotions. Multiple fails could lead to a discharge. Between 2010 and 2012, the number of soldiers who failed the test rose from 460 to more than 1,800.


Many Soldiers Have Found Relief By Undergoing A Cosmetic Surgery


In the past, these soldiers with slower metabolisms may have been forced to work harder and harder only to discover that they could not pass the test without starving themselves. Now, these soldiers have another option to keep their careers on track.


Liposuction offers soldiers a way to remove small, stubborn pockets of fat that would otherwise cause them to fail the test. For older service members, the surgery is particularly helpful because it can help them keep their retirement plans on track.


At Millennium Medical, we believe that helping people reach their body image goals can increase self-confidence and quality of life. We provide our patients with 15 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. To help as many Washington D.C. residents as possible, we offer a range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments. To discuss your cosmetic goals, set up an appointment—Call Us At 301-652-9005 Today!


Soldiers Are Often The Perfect Candidates For Liposuction


Patients who are severely overweight are often counseled that liposuction is intended to help people who are close to the ideal weight and cannot offer large amounts of weight loss. Patients who enjoy the best results from liposuction are generally healthy, within 30 percent of their weight goals and have good muscle tone. Most members of the military meet those standards exactly.


Many of the soldiers who fail the tape test perform very well in the other military tests of health and fitness. The Washington Times also points out that soldiers who are prone to gaining large amounts of muscle can also fail the test because it measures inches, not fat. Although the navy recently changed its testing methods, the army says that it doesn’t plan to make any changes.


Dr. Hadi Rassael, who honed his surgical skills at the Walter Reed Medical Center and the Johns Hopkins Burn Center, performs Millennium Medical’s cosmetic procedures. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Rassael, Call Us At 301-652-9005 Today!