Millennium Medical

How to Reduce Scarring during Breast Augmentation

Nov 4, 2013 @ 11:55 AM — by Hadi Rassael
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

The lives of our patients in the Silver Spring region have been enhanced through breast augmentation. However, the factor many patients are most concerned about is the appearance of scarring after breast augmentation surgery. Though breast augmentation can build confidence, it is an unfortunate fact that surgical procedures do leave scars.

However, in the hands of a skilled cosmetic surgeon, the scars are smaller and less noticeable than in the past. And many women agree that the improvements that breast augmentation gives to their appearance compensates for the scarring. 

However, the best outcome is to take all steps possible to reduce scarring. Working together, we can minimize scars.

Reduce Scarring from the Very Start

One of the first steps patients can take to minimize scarring is selecting a surgical approach that fits your needs. In consultation with you, we can select a technique that minimizes scarring and is appropriate for your body. Choosing the right technique is key.

The surgical incisions can be placed:

Each of these choices has its own pros and cons. We go over your options to help you select the one that best fits your needs.

Reduce Scarring during Recovery

Taking care of yourself after surgery is another important step to reduce scarring after breast augmentation surgery. Everyone is unique and scarring can be affected by factors such as your medical condition, overall health, your habits, and genetics.

There are steps you can take to reduce scarring. Our recommendations include:

Due to genetic or other factors, sometimes scars do not fade as you wish. If this is the case, please mention your concerns. It may be possible to further reduce the appearance of scars through additional treatments.

Are You Concerned about Scarring?

Breast augmentation has many benefits, but scarring cannot be avoided in a surgical procedure. If you have concerns, please contact us so we can address your personal questions.